Saturday, 14 June 2014


The allotments have had some unwelcome visitors lately in the form of thieves and burglars. Both times were in the school holidays, which I think gives a clue as to who is to blame. They have a habit of taking things from people's sheds, and then for whatever reason (whether they get bored or are disturbed I don't know) leaving their loot around the place to be discovered later. They are more of an annoyance than anything else, as each time we have to tidy up after them. To reduce damage I no longer bother locking my shed, as they either break off padlocks or unscrew the hinges, and they have never taken anything of mine until now. This time they took both my plastic trugs and my wheelbarrow to help carry their spoils. All of these items I got back, but it was time I could have been gardening. One of my neighbours was not so lucky and lost a few items, including a complete greenhouse. Thankfully so far they have left my  tools alone and have not damaged any of my crops, that would really make me cross.

Quite what these petty minded idiots get out of spoiling other people's hobby I do not know. Of course the little rats are always long gone at the time I visit the plot, even though I am often there until sunset, so they must come round under cover of darkness. I'd love to leave some booby traps for them but of course I never will; that's the problem with being one of the law-abiding good guys, we make easy targets. Hopefully they'll get what's coming to them in other ways.

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