Friday 24 August 2007

Mike's Wisdom Shed: Tip No.4: Carrots

"Carrots are liable to carrot fly, rake in some naphthalene flake (moth-balls), if you can still get such stuff. Don't worry, the carrots taste fine! Grow two types of carrots, early & late, they will germinate profusely so thin them out a bit, not too much, then as they fill out, the small ones will make excellent eating as you continue to thin. The later ones will take a long time to fill out, but by autumn, you should have a good crop which can be stored in, say, a cardboard or wooden box full of dry-ish earth; they keep well like that, & can be used as required. Carrots will tend to fork root if in over manured ground, but still taste as good!"

Moog thinks carrots are not real food. If I give him one, he takes it ever so gently in his mouth and sits with it in his bed, maybe making a few cursory bites in case it turns out to be meat-filled, before leaving it on the floor for the other scavenger in the house to find and devour.

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